There’s Plenty of Time to Do Damage

by John Geysen

How do they do it? How do the great ones get so much work done?

Whether you are pounding away at an in-house project, wrestling with a client’s demands or trying to get you own business off of the ground – time is not your problem.

Here are five tips to get more done and build something that lasts.

Part 1: Everyone is busy.

  • You are busy with life, kids, work, home repairs, watching football (Go Pats!), travel, meetings (so many meetings)… the list is endless. Therefore you can assume you are on a level playing field with everyone else.

Part 2: Be honest with yourself.

  • Work at what you love but do the WORK. It’s all on you. I hate to go all Ayn Rand on you but no one cares if you succeed or not.

Part 3: Let them Sleep

  • Work from 8pm to midnight (or beyond). You can do so much in those hours when everyone else is asleep. Pick a few days a week at first. Hell pick just one day and you’ll see how much you can get done.

Part 4: Friday is Another Day

  • Look around your office. It’s Friday at 3pm. Ghostown right? Whether your co-workers are in their cubes or not, they aren’t really there. Sweet. This is YOUR TIME. Push all the way to the end of the day. Pick that one project you would not want to do on the weekend or worse, first thing Monday.

Part 5: Out Learn Them

  • I’ve been there, so sick of a project you can’t go on. Take time to read a blog post, start a Seth Godin book, download a Hubspot ebook. Get inspired and get back to work.

You can do so much more than you are already doing.

Share you tips.

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