My Mother always told me ‘Some Day, you’ll be good at something’…I don’t think she could have guessed that ‘something’ would be… Zombie Killing Copywriting.
You can’t beat Copywriting. But often it can feel like you are battling to survive in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
You feel that way too, right?
Well, if you pay attention to these rules culled from the film Zombieland, you just might live.
Cardio – To escape a pursuing zombie you will need to out-run it, and this means being in good shape. Write everyday. There’s always someone else out there who is. Whether it’s some turd at a competing company, a rival freelancer, or the person in the cube next to you – stay in shape and out-write the bastard.
Double Tap – One shot to a zombie usually isn’t enough to kill it. Be on the safe side and take a second shot. This is the rule that inspired the post. Always go back and edit your work. Even when you’ve written the best piece of your life (if that thought crosses your synapses be extra sure to take another look) go back for that double-tap and make sure the zombie is dead.
Beware of Bathrooms – You are at your most vulnerable while sitting on the toilet. Take extra care. If you are caught with your trousers down then there’s not much you can do about running away. Apply this anyway you would like to navigating the corporate environment. Stay alert. Don’t gossip. Listen. Pay attention to your instincts.
Seatbelts – You won’t be driving along easy roads anymore: with numerous things to avoid you need to be ready for a crash. Apply this anyway you would like to navigating the freelance environment. (My writing seatbelts are Hemingway, and my copy of Sin and Syntax.)
Travel Light – While trying to get away from a mass of zombies, the last thing you want is to be heaving luggage around. Leaner, meaner copy is always better. I’m not exactly talking word count. Say what you have to say in as few words as possible and get out. Zombies can surprise you at any moment.
Don’t Be A Hero – When taking risks in Zombieland, the risk is pretty much always that you might get eaten alive by zombies. In case of actual Zombies always follow this rule. In real life you should always be willing to take risks. Take the initiative or die. See Seth Godin’s new book Poke.
I am certain the end of the world will involve zombies and no doubt they lurk everywhere in a copywriter’s life. (Of course I don’t mean account and channel managers, that would be ridiculously accurate.)